Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A Man walks into a grocery store with a shopping list, eggs, milk, and bread.
He starts to walk through the store trying to find what he needs.
As he walks down the aisle the eyes on the boxes follow him. He goes and gets the first
item on his list, milk. However, he does not notice the string cheese trying to escape from its package. As the man looks around some more a mutated food mascot startles the
man causing him to fall into the shelf full of food that piles on top of him.
He breaks out of the pile of food and starts to run for his life down the aisle.
The aisle morphs into some kind of hallway of horror with giant packages of food chasing after him. Mutated Mascots start jumping out of the advertisements on the walls to try and slow the man down and jump in his basket. Out of nowhere Mrs. Butterworth tries to slam the man into the freezer doors, knocking his basket everywhere. The man grabs his bread and milk and keeps running
He just keeps running, there seem to be no end to the aisle.
Eventually he gets far away enough from the killer food and looks back at them they look a lot smaller from this distance and he lines up Mrs. Butterworth in his sights and flicks her off into the distance. Not so worried anymore the man casually walks over to the last item on his list, the eggs and then walks to the register leaving with only what the came for.


HA Security Cam Shot 1 - A man walks into a grocery store.

POV Man Shot 2- he looks down at his list; all she needs is eggs, milk, and bread.

MS Shot 3- He continues to walk into the store and turn down an aisle.

MS aisle Shot 4- the man walks down the aisle looking for what he needs, the eyes on one of the boxes follows him.

LS aisle behind milk Shot 5- the man walk towards the milk

HA milk aisle Shot 6- the man walks over to grab a jug of milk.

OTS Man Shot 7- you see a stick of string cheese trying to escape from its package.

FB man Shot 8- he man gets the milk and walks off screen.

CU aisle 2 Shot 9- pan right from behind the food as a white hat bobs up and down waddling along.

MS man Shot 10_1- the man is looking at some food when you see the hat come into the bottom of the screen. The man jumps back startled by he figure in the hat.

CU doughboy Shot 11- doughboy is grabbing at the man gargling on his own spit

MS Man Shot 10_3- the man appalled by the image falls back into the self knocking down all the food, which piles up on top of him.

MS food pile Shot 12_1- the pile of food motionless

MS pile of food Shot 12_2- the man comes bursting out of the pile and runs off with his milk and loaf of bread.
LS dark aisle Shot 13- the man is running down the creepy horror aisle as large packages of food chase after him.

CU basket Shot 14- stationary camera on the basket as food and advertisement icons try to jump in the basket fighting over the space.

MS aisle Shot 15- as the man runs down the aisle a giant bottle of Mrs. Butterworth tries to slam him into the freezer doors knocking his basket everywhere.

FB camera swing dark aisle Shot 16- as the man runs down the aisle Capt.’n crunch jumps out of one of the side aisles and tries to hit the man but he dodges it and keeps running.
LS dark aisle Shot 17- as the man is running he looks over his shoulder and notices that the food is further away and does not look as big.

POV Man Shot 18- the man takes his hands and lines up his shot, then he flicks Mrs. Butterworth off into the distance.

MS aisle 3 Shot 20- the man not scared anymore walk over to the last item on his list and grabs it and walks off screen.

HA Security cam. Shot 21- the man walks out calmly with just what he came there for.


Animation Direction: My final project will be a 3D computer animated short. The animation is the piece will vary from character to character. The main character will be very athletic and nimble as he is escaping the mutant food and icons. The food and icons on the other hand will be very clunky and clumsy bumping into stuff and having trouble controlling themselves, like newborn wild animals when they first try to walk.
Art Direction: I want the film to look as fake as possible as if they are in Malibu Barbie’s house or some Lego world, plastic and cheesy. The surfaces are going look like they are plastic and the characters will look like they could be action figures of some kind. The lighting in the beginning will be very bright much like any super market but as the story reaches the climax it will get very dark around the character as if the spot light was on him, as he is being chased down the aisle. When the man is running down the dark aisle I want to the store to have a kind of horror house feeling with distorted aisles and weird proportions.
Camera Direction: most of the camera shots are going to be low and high angle shots to help portray the emotion better. The beginning and end shot I want to be as if you were looking through a security camera following the main character. There are also a couple of shots were the camera is behind the food in the aisles watching the guy.
I would really like to develop my modeling skills better through out this project. I want to try and portray the attitudes of the characters through their looks. I want to explore textures a lot more and go into more depth with texturing to really give the film a fake plastic look.
I really want my piece to be about consumerism and advertising. All these different companies try and show their products down our throats saying that their product is the best and buy this and that when they are all the same. There are so many choices to make that sometimes it can be very overwhelming and we need to look at the smaller picture to make a rational decision. I also want to touch on the issue of size and how everything comes in a family or super size, do we really need everything to be in such large proportions. As long as we are still stuffing our face with it the corporate companies could care less as long as they are still getting paid no matter what the long-term effects are going to be. I want my film to make people think about these issues and maybe some ways they could be solved.

Scene Design


Character Designs

Pitch Poster

This is my pitch poster.